Call Us Now Tel: 0800 048 8686
You have the right to choose your own home care provider
Care for the young and elderly with support for the whole family
If you qualify for non-private funding, the following may be applicable to you
Health Care Funding
Your local Primary Care Trust will meet the costs of your care.
Social Care Funding
Your Local Authority will meet the costs of your care. Your Local authority may ask you for a contribution to your care costs. This will be a matter strictly between you and your Local Authority.
Direct Payment Funding
Our invoices will be fully met by the Agency which is Administering your Direct Payment on your behalf. Your Local Authority will remit their contribution into the Agencies Account.
Our invoices will be fully met by you or your representative if you or your representative personally manage the DP. The Local Authority will remit its contribution into your Account.
Individual Budget Funding
Our invoices will be fully met by your Broker on your behalf. Your Local Authority will remit their contribution to your Broker.
Our invoices will be fully met by you or your representative, if you or your representative personally manage your Individual Budget. Your Local Authority will remit their contribution to you.
Where do I go for help on paying for care?
It can be confusing and worrying when you have decided that you need some support but are worried about how you are going to the cover cost.
We can give you some helpfull numbers of services that will be able to guide you through the process. The team at Peace of Mind Home Care Solutions will be more than happy to help you through the process if you need us.
Useful contacts:
Your Local Social Services
The Benefits agency (0800 88 22 00)
Charities such as Age UK (0800 169 6565)
Independent Financial (0117 971 1177) Check IFA's in your area
CareAware UK (0161 707 1107) Advocacy
Advocacy Plus (0207 8376 744)
Peace of Mind Home Care Solutions 0800 084 8686
We suggest that you seek help form an Independent Financial Adviser. The Financial Services Authority requires that all advisers who provide advice on care funding should have passed the CF8 qualification (certificate in Financial Planning and Long -Term Care Insurances) to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the complexities of care funding.
Private Funding
You or your representative will meet the costs of your care as per prior arrangement.
Weekly or Fortnightly or Monthly payments can be negotiated with us.
Costs of care depend on the grade of carer required to meet a specific need, and the hours worked. It also reflects whether care is required days, nights, weekends or holidays.

Following an initial enquiry, we carry out a free home care assessment and produce a no-commitment care plan.
This specifically outlines the hours and level of care recommended to maintain a consistent high level service.
It is at this point we are able to produce accurate costs for you.